Web Shell Dedektörü

Web Shell Detector Nedir?

Web Shell Detector, PHP, CGI (Perl) ve ASP/ASPX shell’lerini tespit etmek için geliştirilmiş bir PHP betiğidir. Tehditleri %99’a varan doğrulukla tanımlamak için imza tabanlı bir veritabanı kullanır ve modern, kullanıcı dostu bir arayüze sahiptir.

Nasıl Kullanılır?

  1. shelldetect.php ve shelldetect.db dosyalarını ana dizininize yükleyin.
  2. Tarayıcınızda shelldetect.php dosyasını açın (örn. http://www.siteniz.com/shelldetect.php).
  3. Varsayılan kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile giriş yapın:
    • Kullanıcı adı: admin
    • Şifre: protect
  4. Şüpheli dosyaları kontrol edin. Eğer şüpheli bir dosya bulursanız, Shell Detector ekibine gönderin.
  5. Bir web shell tespit edilirse, FTP/SSH istemcisi kullanarak sunucunuzdan kaldırın.


  • Farklı dosya uzantıları ile tarama yapma
  • Şüpheli fonksiyonlar için satır numaralarını gösterme
  • Dil desteği
  • Belirli dizinleri tarama
  • Rapor formatını seçme

Güvenlik İpuçları

Web sitenizin güvenliğini sağlamak için Web Shell Detector’ü düzenli olarak çalıştırın. Şüpheli dosyaları dikkatlice inceleyin ve günlük dosyalarınızı düzenli olarak kontrol edin.


  • PHP 5.x
  • OpenSSL (güvenli dosya yüklemeleri için)
 * Web Shell Detector v1.66
 * Web Shell Detector is released under the MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
 * https://github.com/emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector


//own error handler
set_error_handler(array("shellDetector", "error_handler"));

// set the default timezone to use.

$params = array('extension' => array('php', 'txt'));
if (is_file('shelldetect.ini')) {
  $params = parse_ini_file('shelldetect.ini');

//static settings initialize
shellDetector::$_settings = $params;

$shelldetector = new shellDetector($params);

if ($shelldetector->isConsole()) {
  $options = getopt("d:hcb");
  if (array_key_exists("d",$options)) {
  if (array_key_exists("b",$options)) {
  if (array_key_exists("c",$options)) {
    shellDetector::$_settings['is_cron'] = true;


class shellDetector {

  //settings: extensions that should be scanned
  private $extension = array('php');

  //settings: show line number where suspicious function used
  private $showlinenumbers = true;

  //settings: used with access time & modified time
  private $dateformat = "H:i:s d/m/Y";

  //settings: if I want to use other language
  private $language = '';

  //settings: if console used
  private $console = false;

  //settings: if brief info is needed
  private $brief = false;

  //settings: scan specific directory
  private $directory = '.';

  //settings: scan hidden files & directories
  private $scan_hidden = true;

  //settings: perform different task
  private $task = '';

  //settings: used with is_cron(true) file format for report file
  private $report_format = '\s\h\e\l\l\d\e\t\e\c\t\o\r\_Gi-dmY.\h\t\m\l';

  //settings: if true run like a cron (no output)
  private $is_cron = false;

  //settings: maximum files to scan (more then 30000 you should scan specific directory)
  private $filelimit = 30000;

  //settings: protect script with user & password in case to disable simply set to NULL
  private $authentication = array("username" => "admin", "password" => "protect");

  //settings: get shells signatures db by remote
  private $remotefingerprint = false;

  //settings: hide suspicious files
  private $hidesuspicious = false;

  //settings: type of file submission to review (0 - old one not secure but will work with allow_url_fopen = false, 1 - new one more secure but allow_url_fopen need to be true.)
  private $submitfile = 1;

   * System variables
  //system variable used with output
  static $_settings = array();
  //system variable used with is_cron
  static $_output = '';

  // global counters
  private $counter = 0;
  private $suspcounter = 0;

  //system variable hold all scanned files
  private $_files = array();

  //system variable hold bad files
  private $_badfiles = array();

  //system: hold shells signatures
  private $fingerprints = array();

  //system: title
  private $_title = 'Web Shell Detector';

  //system: version of shell detector
  private $_version = '1.66';

  //system: regex for detect Suspicious behavior
  private $_regex = '%(preg_replace.*\/e|`.*?\$.*?`|\bcreate_function\b|\bpassthru\b|\bshell_exec\b|\bexec\b|\bbase64_decode\b|\bedoced_46esab\b|\beval\b|\bsystem\b|\bproc_open\b|\bpopen\b|\bcurl_exec\b|\bcurl_multi_exec\b|\bparse_ini_file\b|\bshow_source\b)%';

  //system: public key to encrypt file content

  private $_self = '';

   * Constructor
  function __construct($settings = null) {
    if (is_array($settings)) {
      $own = get_object_vars($this);
      foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
        if (key_exists($key, $own) && substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') {
          $this->$key = $value;
      $this->_self = basename(__FILE__);

    if ($this->authentication != null) {
      if ((!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != $this->authentication['username'])) || (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) || (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != $this->authentication['password']))) {
        header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Login"');
        header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
        echo $this->t('Please login to continue.');
        exit ;

    if (isset($_GET['task'])) {
      $this->task = $_GET['task'];

    if (isset($_GET['s']) && 1 == $_GET['s']) {
      $this->hidesuspicious = false;

    if (file_exists('shelldetect.db')) {
      $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 30)));
      $this->fingerprints = unserialize(base64_decode(file_get_contents('shelldetect.db', 0, $context)));

    if ($this->remotefingerprint) {
      $this->fingerprints = unserialize(base64_decode(file_get_contents('https://raw.github.com/emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector/master/shelldetect.db')));

  public function setDir($dir) {
    $this->directory = $dir;

  public function setCron($val) {
    $this->is_cron = $val;

  public function setBrief($val) {
    $this->brief = $val;

  public function isBrief() {
    return $this->brief;

  public function isConsole() {
    return $this->console;

   * Start function
  public function start() {
    switch ($this->task) {
      case 'sendfile':
      case 'getsha':
      case 'update':

   * Update function get latest update
  private function update() {
    if ($this->version()) {
      $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 30)));
      $content = file_get_contents('https://raw.github.com/emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector/master/shelldetect.db', 0, $context);
      chmod('shelldetect.db', 0777);
      if (file_put_contents('shelldetect.db', $content)) {
        self::output($this->t('Shells signature database updated succesfully!'));
      } else {
        self::output($this->t('Cant save shells signature database please check permissions'), 'error');
    } else {
      self::output($this->t('Your shells signatures database already updated!'));

   * Check version function
  private function version() {
    $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 10, 'header' => 'Connection: close')));
    //check application version
    $app_version = floatval($this->_version);
    $server_version = file_get_contents('https://raw.github.com/emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector/master/version/app', 0, $context);
    if (strlen($server_version) != 0 && floatval($server_version) != 0 && (floatval($server_version) > $app_version)) {
      self::output($this->t('New version of application found. Please update!'), 'error');
    } else if (strlen($server_version) == 0 || intval($server_version) == 0) {
      self::output($this->t('Cant connect to server! Application version check failed!'), 'error');
    $version = isset($this->fingerprints['version']) ? $this->fingerprints['version'] : 0;
    $server_version = file_get_contents('https://raw.github.com/emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector/master/version/db', 0, $context);
    if (strlen($server_version) != 0 && intval($server_version) != 0 && (intval($server_version) > intval($version))) {
      self::output($this->t('New version of shells signature database found. Please update!'), 'error');
      return true;
    } else if (strlen($server_version) == 0 || intval($server_version) == 0) {
      self::output($this->t('Cant connect to server! Version check failed!'), 'error');
    return false;

   * Send file to analyze
  private function sendfile() {
    self::output('<style>.error{font-size: 14px;font-family: arial;margin: 0px;padding: 2px 6px 0px 0px;color: #DD3C10;text-align: center;}.success{font-size: 14px;font-family: arial;margin: 0px;padding: 2px 6px 0px 0px;color: #92B901;text-align: center;}</style>');
    if (isset($_POST['filename'])) {
      $filename = base64_decode($_POST['filename']);
      if (file_exists($filename)) {
        $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
        $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
        $postdata = http_build_query(array('task' => 'submit', 'ver' => '2', 'code' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)), 'email' => $email, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
        $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nReferer: " . $referer . "\r\n", 'content' => $postdata)));
        $server_version = file_get_contents('http://www.shelldetector.com/api/', 0, $context);
        self::output($server_version, 'success');
      } else {
        self::output($this->t('Cant find selected file.'), 'error');
    } else {
      self::output($this->t('No file specified.'), 'error');

   * Scan function executer
  private function filescan() {
    self::output($this->t('Starting file scanner, please be patient file scanning can take some time.'));
    self::output($this->t('Number of known shells in database is: ') . count($this->fingerprints));
    self::output('<div class="info">' . $this->t('Files found:') . '<span class="filesfound">', null, false);
    self::output('</span></div>', null, false);
    if ($this->filelimit>0) {
      if (count($this->_files) > $this->filelimit) {
        self::output($this->t('File limit reached, scanning process stopped.'));
    if ($this->filelimit>0) {
      self::output($this->t('File scan done, we have: @count files to analize', array("@count" => count($this->_files))));
    } else {
      self::output($this->t('File scan done, we have: @count files to analize', array("@count" => $this->counter)));
    if ($this->hidesuspicious) {
      self::output($this->t('Please note suspicious files information will not be displayed'), 'error');

   * Show sha1 for found files
  private function showsha() {
    foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
      self::output('<dl><dt>' . $this->t('Show sha for file:') . ' ' . basename($file) . '<span class="plus">-</span></dt>', null, false);
      self::output('<dd><dl><dt>' . $this->t('Full path:') . '</dt><dd>' . $file . '</dd>', null, false);
      self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Sha1:') . '</dt><dd>' . sha1_file($file) . '</dd></dl></dd></dl>', null, false);
    self::output('', 'clearer');

   * Check files for using suspicious function
  private function analyze($file) {
    $counter = 0;
      $content = file_get_contents($file);
      $base64_content = base64_encode($content);
      $shellflag = $this->unpack($file, $content, $base64_content);

      if ($shellflag != false) {
        $this->fileInfo($file, $base64_content);
        $shellcolor = 'red';
        preg_match('#(.*)\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]#', $shellflag, $shellmatch);
        if (is_array($shellmatch) && count($shellmatch)>0) {
          $shellflag = $shellmatch[1] . '(' . $shellmatch[4] . ')';
          switch($shellmatch[3]) {
            case 1 :
              $shellcolor = 'orange';
              $shellflag .= ' ' . $this->t('please note it`s a malicious file not a shell');
            case 2:
              $shellcolor = 'orange';
              $shellflag .= ' ' . $this->t('please note potentially dangerous file (legit file but may be used by hackers)');
        if ($this->isConsole() && !$this->isBrief()) {
          print "$file: $shellflag\n"; 
        self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Fingerprint:') . '</dt><dd class="' . $shellcolor . '">' . $this->t('Positive, it`s a ') . $shellflag . '</dd></dl></dd></dl>', null, false);
      } else if ($this->hidesuspicious != true) {
     	 if (preg_match_all($this->_regex, $content, $matches)) {
          $this->fileInfo($file, $base64_content);
          if ($this->showlinenumbers) {
            self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('suspicious functions used:') . '</dt><dd>', null, false);
            $_content = explode("\n", $content);
            for ($line = 0; $line < count($_content); $line++) {
              if (preg_match_all($this->_regex, $_content[$line], $matches)) {
                $lineid = md5($line . $file);
                self::output($this->_implode($matches) . ' (<a href="#" class="showline" id="ne_' . $lineid . '">' . $this->t('line:') . ($line + 1) . '</a>);', null, false);
                self::output('<div class="hidden source" id="line_' . $lineid . '"><code>' . htmlentities($_content[$line]) . '</code></div>', null, false);
            self::output(' </dd>', null, false);
          } else {
            self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('suspicious functions used:') . '</dt><dd>' . $this->_implode($matches) . ' </dd>', null, false);
          $key = $this->fileprepare($file, $base64_content);
          self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Fingerprint:') . '</dt><dd class="green">' . $key . '</dd></dl></dd></dl>', null, false);
      } else {
        if (preg_match_all($this->_regex, $content, $matches)) {

   * Check files for using suspicious function
  private function anaylize() {
    foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
    	if (is_readable($file)) {
    self::output('', 'clearer');
    self::output($this->t('<strong>Status</strong>: @count suspicious files found and @shells shells found. <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?s=1">Rescan and show suspicious files</a>' , array("@count" => $this->suspcounter, "@shells" => count($this->_badfiles) ? '<strong>' . count($this->_badfiles) . '</strong>' : count($this->_badfiles))), (count($this->_badfiles) ? 'error' : 'success'));

   * Prepare file submit function
  private function fileprepare($file, $base64_content) {
    $filtered_file = filter_var($file, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
    $key = $this->t('Negative') . ' <small class="source_submit_parent">(' . $this->t('if wrong') . ' <a href="#" id="m_' . md5($file) . '" class="source_submit">' . $this->t('submit file for analize') . '</a>)</small>';
    $key .= '<div id="wrapform_' . md5($file) . '" class="hidden"><iframe border="0" scrolling="no" class="hidden" id="iform_' . md5($file) . '" name="iform_' . md5($file) . '" src="http://www.shelldetector.com/api/loader.html" />"></iframe>';
    if ($this->submitfile == 0) {
      $key .= '<form id="form_' . md5($file) . '" target="iform_' . md5($file) . '" action="http://www.shelldetector.com/api/?task=submit&ver=2" method="post">';
    } else {
      $key .= '<form id="form_' . md5($file) . '" target="iform_' . md5($file) . '" action="?task=sendfile" method="post">';
    $key .= '<dl><dt>' . $this->t('Submit file') . ' ' . basename($filtered_file) . '</dt><dd>';
    $key .= '<dl><dt class="submit_email">' . $this->t('Your email') . '<br /><span class="small">' . $this->t('(in case you want to be notified):') . '</span></dt><dd class="submit_email_field"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" /></dd></dl></dd></dl>';

    if ($this->submitfile == 0) {
      if (function_exists('openssl_public_encrypt')) {
        if (openssl_public_encrypt($base64_content, $crypted_data, base64_decode($this->_public_key))) {
          $key .= '<input type="hidden" name="crypted" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . base64_encode($crypted_data) . '" /></form>';
        } else {
          $key .= '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . $base64_content . '" />';
      } else {
        $key .= '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . $base64_content . '" />';
    $key .= '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' . base64_encode($file) . '" /></form>';
    $key .= '</div>';
    return $key;

   * Show file information
  private function fileInfo($file, $base64_content) {
    $owner = fileowner($file);
    $self_owner = getmyuid();
    $permissions = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
    if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
      $owner =  posix_getpwuid($owner);
      $owner = $owner['name'];
      $self_owner = posix_getpwuid($self_owner);
      $self_owner = $self_owner['name'];
    if ($owner !== $self_owner) {
      $owner = '<span class="orange">' . $owner .'</span> <small>(' . $this->t('Please note: file have different owner') . ')</small>';
    if (intval($permissions) == 777) {
      $permissions = '<span class="orange">' . $permissions .'</span> <small>(' . $this->t('Please note: file have full access permissions') . ')</small>';
    $filtered_file = filter_var($file, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
    self::output('<dl><dt>' . $this->t('Suspicious behavior found in:') . ' ' . basename($filtered_file) . '<span class="plus">-</span></dt>', null, false);
    self::output('<dd><dl><dt>' . $this->t('Full path:') . '</dt><dd>' . $filtered_file . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Owner:') . '</dt><dd>' . $owner . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Permission:') . '</dt><dd>' . $permissions . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Last accessed:') . '</dt><dd>' . date($this->dateformat, fileatime($file)) . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Last modified:') . '</dt><dd>' . date($this->dateformat, filemtime($file)) . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('MD5 hash:') . '</dt><dd>' . md5($base64_content) . '</dd>', null, false);
    self::output('<dt>' . $this->t('Filesize:') . '</dt><dd>' . $this->HumanReadableFilesize($file) . '</dd>', null, false);

   * Unpacking function, main idea taken from http://www.tareeinternet.com/
  private function unpack($file, $content, $base64_content) {
    if ($flag = ($this->fingerprint($file, $base64_content)) ) {
      return $flag;
    } elseif ($flag = ($this->fingerprint($file, $content))) {
      return $flag;
    } else {
      $counter = 0;
      $encoded_content = preg_replace("/<\?php|\?>|<\?/", "", $content);
      $temp = array();
      if (preg_match("/(\beval\b\(gzinflate|\beval\b\(base64_decode)/", $encoded_content)) {
        while (preg_match("/\beval\((gzinflate|base64_decode)\((.*?)\);/", $encoded_content, $matches)) {
          $encoded_content = preg_replace("/<\?php|\?>|<\?|eval/", "", $encoded_content);
          $temp = $matches;
          if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2]) && strpos($matches[2], '$') === false) {
            eval("\$encoded_content = " . $matches[1] . '(' . $matches[2] . ";");
          } else if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2]) && strpos($matches[2], '$') !== false) {
            preg_match('/\$(.*?)\)/', $matches[2], $variable);
            if (isset($variable[1])) {
              preg_match('/\$' . $variable[1] . '=(.*?);/', $content, $content_match);
              if (isset($content_match[1])) {
                $content_temp = $matches[1] . '(' . str_replace('$' . $variable[1], $content_match[1], $matches[2]);
                eval("\$encoded_content = " . $content_temp . ";");
              } else {
                $encoded_content = '';
            } else {
              $encoded_content = '';
          } else {
            $encoded_content = '';
          if ($counter > 20) {
            //protect from looping
      } else if (preg_match("/preg_replace.*\/e\"/", $encoded_content)) {
        while (preg_match("/preg_replace\((.*?)\/e(.*)\);/", $encoded_content, $matches)) {
          $encoded_content = preg_replace("/<\?php|\?>|<\?/", "", $encoded_content);
          preg_replace("/preg_replace\((.*?)\/e(.*)\);/", "", $encoded_content);
          if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2])) {
            eval("\$encoded_content = preg_replace(" . $matches[1] . '/' . $matches[2] . ');');
          if ($counter > 20) {
            //protect from looping
      } else {
        $encoded_content = '';
      if ($encoded_content != '') {
        $encoded_content64 = base64_encode($encoded_content);
        $flag = $this->fingerprint($file, $encoded_content64);
      } else {
        $flag = false;
    return $flag;

   * Fingerprint function
  private function fingerprint($file, $content = null) {
    $key = false;
    // pre prepare all the fingerprints on the first request for optimisation.
    static $fingerprint_cache = array();
    if(empty($fingerprint_cache) === true){
        foreach ($this->fingerprints as $fingerprint => $shell){
            if (strpos($fingerprint, 'bb:') !== false) {
                $fingerprint = base64_decode(str_replace('bb:', '', $fingerprint));
            $fingerprint_cache['/' . preg_quote($fingerprint, '/') . '/'] = $shell;
    foreach ($fingerprint_cache as $fingerprint => $shell) {
      if (preg_match($fingerprint, $content)) {
        # [version] => 1359928984 db content FIXME?!?!?
        if ($fingerprint == "version") break;
        $key = $shell;
        $this->_badfiles[] = $file;
    return $key;

   * Recursively implode array
  private function _implode($array, $glue = ', ') {
    $temp = array();
    foreach ($array as $value) {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        $temp[] = $this->_implode($value);
      } else {
        $temp[] = $value;
    return implode($glue, array_unique($temp));

   * Output footer function
  private function footer() {
    self::output('</div></body></html>', null, false);
    if ($this->is_cron || $this->console) {

   * Output header function
  private function header() {
    $style = '<style type="text/css" media="all">body{background-color:#ccc;font:13px tahoma,arial;color:#151515;direction:ltr}h1{text-align:center;font-size:24px}dl{margin:0;padding:0}#content{width:1024px;margin:0 auto;padding:35px 40px;border:1px solid #e8e8e8;background:#fff;overflow:hidden;-webkit-border-radius:7px;-moz-border-radius:7px;border-radius:7px}dl dt{cursor:pointer;background:#5f9be3;color:#fff;float:left;font-weight:700;margin-right:10px;width:99%;position:relative;padding:5px}dl dt .plus{position:absolute;right:4px}dl dd{margin:2px 0;padding:5px 0}dl dd dl{margin-top:24px;margin-left:60px}dl dd dl dt{background:#4fcba3!important;width:180px!important}.error{background-color:#ffebe8;border:1px solid #dd3c10;padding:4px 10px;margin:5px 0}.success{background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #bdc7d8;padding:4px 10px;margin:5px 0}.info{background-color:#fff9d7;border:1px solid #e2c822;padding:4px 10px;margin:5px 0}.clearer{clear:both;height:0;font-size:0}.hidden{display:none}.green{font-weight:700;color:#92b901}.red{font-weight:700;color:#dd3c10}.orange{font-weight:700;color:#ff7f00}.green small{font-weight:400!important;color:#151515!important}.filesfound {position: relative}.files {position: absolute;left:4px;background-color:#FFF9D7}iframe{border:0px;height:80px;width:100%}.small{font-size: 10px;font-weight:normal;}.ui-widget-content dl dd dl {margin-left: 0px !important;}.ui-widget-content input {width: 310px;margin-top: 4px;}.submit_email {width: 190px !important;}.submit_email_field{float: left; width: 100px !important;}#loader{position:fixed;top:25%;bottom:0;left:45%;z-index:99;display:block;text-align:center;width:100%;padding-top:125px;text-align:left;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;text-indent:-20px;font-size:24px;color:#5f9be3}#circularG{position:relative;width:128px;height:128px}.circularG{position:absolute;background-color:#5f9be3;width:29px;height:29px;-webkit-border-radius:19px;-moz-border-radius:19px;-webkit-animation-name:bounce_circularg;-webkit-animation-duration:1.04s;-webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-webkit-animation-direction:linear;-moz-animation-name:bounce_circularg;-moz-animation-duration:1.04s;-moz-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-moz-animation-direction:linear;border-radius:19px;-o-animation-name:bounce_circularg;-o-animation-duration:1.04s;-o-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-o-animation-direction:linear;-ms-animation-name:bounce_circularg;-ms-animation-duration:1.04s;-ms-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-ms-animation-direction:linear}#circularG_1{left:0;top:50px;-webkit-animation-delay:.39s;-moz-animation-delay:.39s;-o-animation-delay:.39s;-ms-animation-delay:.39s}#circularG_2{left:14px;top:14px;-webkit-animation-delay:.52s;-moz-animation-delay:.52s;-o-animation-delay:.52s;-ms-animation-delay:.52s}#circularG_3{top:0;left:50px;-webkit-animation-delay:.65s;-moz-animation-delay:.65s;-o-animation-delay:.65s;-ms-animation-delay:.65s}#circularG_4{right:14px;top:14px;-webkit-animation-delay:.78s;-moz-animation-delay:.78s;-o-animation-delay:.78s;-ms-animation-delay:.78s}#circularG_5{right:0;top:50px;-webkit-animation-delay:.91s;-moz-animation-delay:.91s;-o-animation-delay:.91s;-ms-animation-delay:.91s}#circularG_6{right:14px;bottom:14px;-webkit-animation-delay:1.04s;-moz-animation-delay:1.04s;-o-animation-delay:1.04s;-ms-animation-delay:1.04s}#circularG_7{left:50px;bottom:0;-webkit-animation-delay:1.17s;-moz-animation-delay:1.17s;-o-animation-delay:1.17s;-ms-animation-delay:1.17s}#circularG_8{left:14px;bottom:14px;-webkit-animation-delay:1.3s;-moz-animation-delay:1.3s;-o-animation-delay:1.3s;-ms-animation-delay:1.3s}@-webkit-keyframes bounce_circularg{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1)}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(.3)}}@-moz-keyframes bounce_circularg{0%{-moz-transform:scale(1)}100%{-moz-transform:scale(.3)}}@-o-keyframes bounce_circularg{0%{-o-transform:scale(1)}100%{-o-transform:scale(.3)}}@-ms-keyframes bounce_circularg{0%{-ms-transform:scale(1)}100%{-ms-transform:scale(.3)}}</style>';
    $script = 'function init(){$("#loader").hide();$("dt").live("click", function(){var text=$(this).children(".plus");if(text.length){$(this).next("dd").slideToggle();if(text.text()=="+"){text.text("-")}else{text.text("+")}}});$(".showline").live("click", function(){var id="li"+$(this).attr("id");$("#"+id).dialog({height:440,modal:true,width:600,title:"Source code"});return false});$(".source_submit").live("click",function(){var id="for"+$(this).attr("id");$("#wrap"+id).dialog({autoOpen:false,height:200,width:550,modal:true,resizable: false,title:"File submission",buttons: {"Submit file to analysis": function() {if ($(".ui-dialog-content form").length) {$("#i"+id).removeClass("hidden");$("#"+id).submit();$(".ui-dialog-content form").remove();} else {alert("This file already submited");}}/*,"Submit file to Virustotal": function () {alert("Not implemented");}*/}});$("#wrap"+id).dialog("open");return false})}$(document).ready(init);';
    self::output('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta name="robots" content="noindex"><title>Web Shell Detector</title>' . $style . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" /><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.21/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script type="text/javascript">' . $script . '</script></head><body><h1>' . $this->_title . ' v' . $this->_version . '<br />(PHP Version: ' . phpversion() .')</h1><div id="loader"><div id="circularG"><div id="circularG_1" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_2" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_3" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_4" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_5" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_6" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_7" class="circularG"></div><div id="circularG_8" class="circularG"></div></div><span class="loader_text"> ' . $this->t('Please wait') . '</span></div></div><div id="content">', null, false);

   * Output
  static function output($content, $class = 'info', $html = true) {
    if ((isset(self::$_settings) && isset(self::$_settings['is_cron']) && self::$_settings['is_cron']) ||
      (isset(self::$_settings) && isset(self::$_settings['console']) && self::$_settings['console'])) {
      if ($html) {
        self::$_output .= '<div class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</div>';
      } else {
       self::$_output .= $content;
    } else {
      if ($html) {
        print '<div class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</div>';
      } else {
        print $content;

   * Save scanned data to file
  private function flush() {
    if ($this->isConsole()) {
      print "$this->counter files, $this->suspcounter suspicious, ".count($this->_badfiles)." shells\n";
    if ($this->is_cron) {
      $filename = date($this->report_format, time());
      if (file_put_contents($filename, self::$_output)) {
        print $this->t('Done, report file created');
      } else {
        print $this->t('Error, report file creation failed');

   * Translate function (ported from Drupal)
  private function t($string, $args = array()) {
    if ($this->language) {
      if (is_file('lang/' . $this->language . '.php')) {
        include ('lang/' . $this->language . '.php');
        if (isset($local[$string])) {
          $string = $local[$string];

    if (empty($args)) {
      return $string;
    } else {
      foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
        switch ($key[0]) {
          case '@' :
            $args[$key] = $value;
      return strtr($string, $args);

   * Recursivly list directories
  private function listdir($dir) {
    if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) {
    return true;
  $handle = opendir($dir);
    if ($this->filelimit > 0) {
      if (count($this->_files) > $this->filelimit) {
        return true;
    while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
      if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
      $filepath = $dir == '.' ? $file : $dir . '/' . $file;
      if (is_link($filepath)) {
      if (is_file($filepath)) {
        if (substr(basename($filepath), 0, 1) != "." || $this->scan_hidden) {
          $extension = pathinfo($filepath);
          if (is_string($this->extension) && $this->extension == '*') {
            if ($this->filelimit > 0) {
              $this->_files[] = $filepath;
            } else {
          } else {
            if (isset($extension['extension']) && in_array($extension['extension'], $this->extension)) {
              if ($this->_self != basename($filepath)) {
                if ($this->filelimit > 0) {
                $this->_files[] = $filepath;
                } else {
      } else if (is_dir($filepath)) {
        if (substr(basename($filepath), 0, 1) != "." || $this->scan_hidden) {
    self::output('<span class="files">' . count($this->_files) . '</span>', null, false);

   * Returns a human readable filesize
   * @author      wesman20 (php.net)
   * @author      Jonas John
   * @version     0.3
   * @link        http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/readable-filesize.htm
  private function HumanReadableFilesize($file) {
    $size = filesize($file);
    $mod = 1024;
    $units = explode(' ', 'B KB MB GB TB PB');
    for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++) {
      $size /= $mod;
    return round($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i];

   * Own error handler
  static public function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
    switch ($errno) {
      case E_USER_WARNING :
      case E_USER_ERROR :
      case E_USER_NOTICE :
      default :
        shellDetector::output('<strong>Error: </strong>' . $errstr . ' line: ' . $errline, 'error');

Uyarı: Bu sitede paylaşılan içerikler yalnızca bilgilendirme ve eğitim amaçlıdır. Paylaşımın kullanımından doğabilecek her türlü sorumluluk tamamen kullanıcıya aittir. Site yönetimi içeriğin kötüye kullanımından sorumlu değildir.

R00T Admin

Sizin için en kaliteli php shell dosyalarını ve hack araçlarını derleyip sunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz.
Paylaşımlarımızı beğeniyorsanız, lütfen bizi arkadaşlarınıza tavsiye edin ve paylaşın.